The Virgin Birth Myth
Christianity proclaims that Jesus was born of a virgin. Jesus was officially declared God at the Council of Nicaea in 325. Gods need special birth
Christianity proclaims that Jesus was born of a virgin. Jesus was officially declared God at the Council of Nicaea in 325. Gods need special birth
Fatima is a small town in Portugal with a giant reputation. Current population is about 10,000. It was the site of six consecutive Marian apparitions
We all have life changing moments. Mine hit in the wee morning hours of December 29, 2006. I remember it well. My wife Jean (now
According to survey 70% of Americans believe in karma, the universal law of justice that reads, in street language: “What goes around comes around.” It
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The Gospel of Thomas (probably written in the late first century) was a lost work until 1945 when a Coptic version was discovered along with