THE SHROUD OF TURIN – Problem Solved
Abstract The Shroud of Turin, Christianity’s most precious relic, is firmly linked to its foundational doctrine: Jesus’s miraculous resurrection from the dead. This well defended
Abstract The Shroud of Turin, Christianity’s most precious relic, is firmly linked to its foundational doctrine: Jesus’s miraculous resurrection from the dead. This well defended
Is Jesus God or a bone fide Nut Job? How one understands him depends upon what platform one is standing on. Will the real Jesus
According to survey 70% of Americans believe in karma, the universal law of justice that reads, in street language: “What goes around comes around.” It
The Gospel of Thomas (probably written in the late first century) was a lost work until 1945 when a Coptic version was discovered along with
It is a fourteen foot by five foot ancient linen cloth that bears a faint, straw-colored image of a prone, naked, crucified man. The image is
Rainbow Body is a Tibetan Buddhist phenomenon wherein the bodies of common, spiritually perfected people vanish at death into a stream of rainbow colored light.